ISO9001 and ISO9002
certified Titanium Manufacturing Group since 1996.
PROFILE Beijing International Aeronautical
Materials Corp. (BIAM), founded in 1956, is the most advanced R&D aerospace
material center in China, and a leading manufacturer of titanium castings and
forgings worldwide. BIAM pres-ently employs a staff of 2,700 with approxi-mately
1,400 technical personnel. 
Experimental Building, BIAM
BIAM's Organization |
Division Main Plants |
Titanium Alloy Casting |
Aluminum Alloy Casting |
Superalloy Casting |
Welding and Forging |
Aircraft Brake |
Heat Treatment Centre |
Orthopaedic Implant |
Nd-Fe-B Magnet |
Shape Memory Alloy |
Composite Material |
Fine Chemicals |
Special Coating |
Rubber and Sealant | |
Division Main Laboatories |
Cast&wrought Superalloy |
Aluminum and Magnesium |
Titanium Alloy |
Noble Metal |
Corrosion&Surface Protect |
Welding and Forging |
Fine Chemicals |
Advanced Composite |
Metal Physics |
Non-destructive testing |
Metal Mechanical Properties |
Properties of Non-metal |
Chemical Analysis | | |
This is to certify that the Quality System of BIAM has
been found to conform to the Quality Assur-ance stardard ISO9002, and is registered
by CCQSEM (ISO9000). This certificate is valid for
the following product or service range: Golf Equipments, Brake Assumblies, Master
Alloy and Non-Metallic Parts, Composite Partes, Repair for Composite Parts.

Former president of BIAM |